professionalsSummer was sizzling for BioBuzz but September promises to be even hotter.
Our mission-driven team has worked tirelessly over the last few weeks (and months) to action a number of new and buzzworthy things. Pardon our excitement as we share some of them with you...
The details are set for our 4th Annual BioBuzz Awards for the BioHealth Capital Region and our Inaugural Awards & Celebration in Philly. Nominations open October 1. Learn more and get in touch to be a part of the fun.
We'll host a breakout session for the 2nd Annual Baltimore Together Summit October 30. If you're a vested stakeholder in Baltimore and interested in building a stronger, more connected life science community here, reach out.
There is no power for change greater than community and BioBuzz's community is pretty spectacular. Become an Ambassador of Buzz. Plus, stay tuned for our Board of Buzz and Industry Advisory Board announcements.
Speaking of community... we're still looking for a handful of employers for our Job Fair Friday, September 8 at City Garage. Help us rally around those affected by the recent Emergent layoffs; email us.
Open to work?! Join our public, open-to-work list that we share with HR professionals & recruiters every week. Plus, sign up for Oktoberfest to mix and mingle with top employers in the region.
And last, but certainly not least, share your favorite BioBuzz memory with us. While BioBuzz has been making impact since 2009, we've only done so as an official company for five years. We'd love to hear from you as we ready the celebrations!